Probe Run
Each test run consists of one or more probes that create test cases and perform testing on your application. All test cases within a single probe run are associated with the specific vulnerability that the probe is designed to detect.
The probe implements various strategies and techniques to identify its target vulnerability within your conversational application. Despite these variations, all test cases share the specific domain of your chatbot and the details that you defined in the probe's optimization.
The cards of the most recent runs of each probe are displayed on the Overview page. You can access details for specific probe run from there. To view the details of the older probe runs, navigate to the Test Run History. Open one of the older test runs which included the desired probe, and in the Probes Table click the arrowhead in the row corresponding to that probe.
To familiarize yourself with the detailed view of a probe run's results and to understand terms such as strategy, red teamer, and variation, please refer to the Probe Run View page.
Last updated